Airport Yoga Practice..Karma's a Bitch!
November 17, 2014

My whole life, my family and I were embarrassed by my mother laying down her yoga mat and starting her stretches in any and all airport in clear site of every traveler. In every ski lodge. In every house. On every plane. We always laughed, but we let her do her thing.
I got a dose of my own medicine this weekend. On the way to Chicago this weekend for a Bar Mitzvah, I needed to get my practice in. I lay down my mat in a corner of the terminal, took out my strap, and started to stretch. A few minutes into my practice, my future sister n' law noticed a mother, father, and daughter hysterically laughing and pointing at us. I was unfazed because my mother taught us it was ok to practice yoga anywhere, any time you have the opportunity. My future n' laws gave them a dirty look and verbally asked "what are you looking at?" We saw this family again on the plane, and to our joyful surprise at synagogue at the Bar Mitzvah in a small town called Munster, Indiana. Now it was our turn to laugh. I turned to my sister n' law and said: Karma's a real bitch, isn't it?
At the luncheon, my future mother n' law made a comment to the father about his ex-wife and my future father n' law asked him why yoga is so funny?
On our way back to FLL, out of the corner of my eye, I see an icon of a woman meditating and a small sign that reads: Yoga Room. I knew that some airports had these rooms, but I was so thrilled to find out that there was one in Midway. Before my flight, I enjoyed a 45 minute practice and proudly changed into my YOGiiZA garb mid practice.
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Shalom and Namaste,
Yogi Arielle
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