Back Bay Yoga Studio with Lynne Begier
May 13, 2014

This past week, I visited my twin brothers in Boston for their college graduation. While there, I was able to check out one of the greatest studios in Boston, Back Bay Yoga and was fortunate enough to take a class with the owner, Lynne Begier. As soon as I walked into the studio, I knew that Lynne's class was going to be dynamic and challenging. And guess what? I was right. Lynne guided a power flow sequence with very creative asanas. She definitely kept me on my toes the whole time. Not to mention, she is hilarious. Lynne kept the class going with her sense of humor to keep our focus off the challenging asanas! Another interesting thing I noticed was the amount of women in the classroom. I think I counted 55 women in the studio and 1 man!
For more information on Back Bay Yoga Studio in Boston, check out their website: You can also find Lynne's schedule here.
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