Earthdance Florida and the BoomYoga Energy Space
September 22, 2014

Earthdance Florida and the BoomYoga Energy Space
Yogi Joaquin sharing the love!
I just got home from Earthdance Florida.
Earthdance Florida is a transformational music and arts festival that takes place at a really lush property in Lakeland, Florida, the Maddox Ranch. This time at Earthdance I had the pleasure to co create directing the yoga program and to offer two AcroYoga workshops. The
BoomYoga Energy Space featured amazing programing of Yoga in many forms: Nada Yoga, Skanda Yoga, Hatha, Vinyasa and Power Yoga, Kundalini, Dharmi Yoga, Acroyoga, body work classes, interesting talks and meditations. Holding that space for me is, ceremony. I love co-creating these transformational festivals because I always learn so much! I get to work with some of the most inspiring people in the world... BOOM. Check here for the line up and Bios of the presenters.
This weekend I really connected to the Earth and the five elements. All elements were there in full force, there was beautiful rain and I was barefoot most of the time walking on earth. So many fire dancers and fire spitting sculptures. The nice breeze kept us cool. And something very spiritual happened. It was the Fall Equinox Sept 20 into 21st. You probably not going to believe me but I clearly saw a UFO. Alot of us saw it. The experience was auspicious and ineffable. I'll have to tell you about it in person.
The party was raging! I danced so much and was super comfortable because I was wearing my favorite festival wear, the same thing I wear everyday, organic Cotton Yogiiza. Join me in this Transformational movement. Hope to see you guys making conscious choices at dance floors and sharing the healing arts around the world. Wear Yogiiza. Lets make the conscious choices, make the organic choices that support our planet's ecosystem.
For 10% off your Organic conscious yoga wear go to , type in
promo code:
yogijoaquin at checkout.
Until next time,
Love, Joaquin De Teresa
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