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March 05, 2014
A big concept currently happening in the fashion industry is trying to promote domestic manufacturing and production of fashion lines here in the USA with the intention of supporting the local economy and fashion industry. While this is a concept I support and write about frequently on my blog Below The Seam, it doesn't mean I am against globalization. It is a topic widely debated...should we be supporting globalization, or try and keep everything under our own control in our own country? The answer for me is simple. As long as it is conscious globalization, there is no reason to be against it. YOGiiZA has been growing the organic cotton used in their apparel from a fair trade labor farm in Nicaragua growing the cotton completely free of poisonous chemicals. What harm is there in that? Support conscious globalization...use the promo code belowtheseam to receive a 10% discount off your next YOGiiZA purchase.Comments will be approved before showing up.