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Happy New Year

January 01, 2014


And one week later here we are celebrating the New Year. The beginning of a new year and the ending mark of the holiday season. I hope everyone has gotten a chance to spend some nice time with friends and family. We all have our own traditions we celebrate over today and last night, but one that most people hold in common is creating new years resolutions. This year try and add consciousness to your list. Being conscious, just learning to be aware of our surroundings. Aware of the earth, aware of our effects on everything we do. Learning to be in touch. These are some of the things I hope to do, and hope more people plan to do as well. It's not easy to completely dedicate yourself to solely wearing sustainable and eco-friendly clothing. But learning to incorporate it slowly into your life is the first step. Use the promo code belowtheseam to recieve 10% of your next YOGiiZA purchase. Happy New Year everyone. xo, Hannah

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