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Intro to Ashtanga Yoga with Kino MacGregor

September 28, 2012

Dates: October 30, 2012 Event: Intro to Ashtanga Yoga with Kino MacGregor October 30, 2012 4:30-6:30pm Location: Miami Life Center map Email: - Mention YOGiiZA
Whether you are a total beginner to yoga or an established yoga practitioner curious about the Ashtanga Yoga method you can start here. Get the inside scoop on why this way of practicing yoga is safe, proven and effective and try it out without any conditions. Ask questions, experiment with yoga and discover increased health, joy and passion. Come prepared to be inspired and step into the heart of yoga. Sign up today to reserve your spot. Space is limited. FEE: $25 All proceeds benefit Yoga 4 You.

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