Karma Yoga with Yogi Joaquin
August 21, 2014

What a beautiful evening we enjoyed with Yogi Joaquin! Thank you for your energy and dedication to Karma Yoga : ) Joaquin introduced the class by having everyone slow down the pace. We moved through a flawless vinyassa and focused on feeling each asana entirely. I felt myself growing stronger through each posture. Joaquin ended the class with a relaxing Yoga Nidra experience. For those of you who have never tried Yoga Nidra, active relaxation while lying down in Savasana, it is an absolute must! I've heard that if you practice Yoga Nidra, the art of mindful relaxation, it is the equivalent of a few hours of sleep! Joaquin also offers private/acro yoga and Thai massage! What a great combination! Contact him at: https://www.facebook.com/joaquindts?fref=ts I am very excited about a couple of social media campaigns we have going on right now. Once a year, I like to do a fundraiser, so please help out a great cause! YOGA GANGSTERS: DO IT! Please donate to YOGA GANGSTERS, empowering urban youth through yoga and meditation! I Just donated $10 and you can too! https://www.crowdrise.com/yogiizamiami/fundraiser/arielleshimko More information on YOGA GANGSTERS: http://yogagangsters.org And last but not least, please click LIKE for a friend's organization to win $10,000. That's all you have to do! http://projects.kindsnacks.com/project/ending-generational-poverty-in-bogota-colombia/ For 10% off YOGiiZA Organic Cotton, type in promo code
yogiarielle at checkout! <3 Arielle
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