My Second Naam Experience
May 01, 2013

my second visit to Naam Yoga Miami I once again found a parking spot right in front of the studio. Finding parking is seems to be a bigger challenge in South Beach than up in North Miami Beach but regardless it’s nice to find a spot. Naam is a very comforting studio and it seems that the group attending Monday Shakti Naam with me is quite regular. Eugene leads the class with a spirit that is truly captivating. I am definitely doing things in this class I would ever have done on my own or have done in past yoga classes & that makes it interesting. Many of the postures or exercises make my arms and core burn and many times I feel tempted to quit early. Eugene manages to push us to push ourselves past where we thought we needed to stop. While holding my breath during some practices I realize it is a head game I’m playing & that I am capable of continuing to deprive myself of oxygen. I have learned to trust in my body’s abilities. I feel the same when Eugene instructs us to lie down, put our arms and feet in the air & shake it. My core burns and I feel like I just want to drop into savasana but in Shakti shaking it is just a warm-up. Thanks again Eugene!
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