Old-School Yoga w/ Carlos Dee @ Ayama
October 20, 2014

You want to know what yoga classes used to be like? I took a great old-school yoga class with Carlos Dee at Ayama. I came in a little tired and he started with a beautiful meditation which made me completely relax. During the asana practice, Carlos was very particular and made sure each student was practicing the exact same way--old school!!
This class is the first class I've been to in Miami that has started
early. In Miami, I tend to show up ten minutes late to a yoga class and I'm still the first person there. I arrived 10 minutes early to this class, and it had already started.
Ayama has a really welcoming energy and its owner, Mano is a die-hard YOGiiZA supporter!
For 10% off YOGiiZA Organic Cotton, type in promo code
yogiarielle at checkout. Be sure to spot me at one of Miami's many yoga studios sporting YOGiiZA!
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