Organic Cotton vs. Standard Cotton
October 18, 2011

* 25% of all pesticides used are for standard cotton production
* Organic cotton uses Zero pesticides
* Standard Cotton uses 1 pound of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for every 3 pounds of cotton harvested
* In California, five of the top nine pesticides used on cotton are cancer-causing chemicals:(cyanazine, dicofol, naled, propargite, and trifluralin)
* In the U.S., a 1987 National Cancer Institute study found a nearly seven-fold higher risk of leukemia for children whose parents used pesticides in their homes or gardens.
* The World Health Organization estimates that at least 3,000,000 people are poisoned by pesticides every year and 20-40,000 more are killed.
* 10,400 people in the U.S. die each year from cancer related to pesticides.
* It is estimated that pesticides unintentionally kill 67 million birds each year!
* 14 million people in the U.S. routinely drink water contaminated with carcinogenic herbicides and 90% of municipal water treatment facilities lack equipment to remove these chemicals.
Look at your clothing labels. If they do not say Organic then we are contributing to these poisonous practices. It is very simple to make a difference. Every purchase counts. If we multiply these purchases by everyone in the country or everyone in the world they add up to either a poisoned Earth or a Fresh and clean Earth.
Choose Natural, Choose Organic, Buy YOGiiZA
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