The Slacroduo
June 13, 2013
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South Beach is loaded with talented people from all walks of life and every corner of the Earth. Recently an exceptionally gifted couple has grabbed my attention. The “Slacroduo” is the collaboration of life partners Megan Johnson and Rob Newmans. I love that name, “Slacroduo”. It sounds like a super hero team from Marvel™ comics, and that is not too far from the truth. Megan and Rob are extraordinary athletes. They teach yoga, Acroyoga™, slacline, paddleboard, rock-climbing, and paddleboard yoga. In other words, it is a whole load of fun hanging out with the Slacroduo. Both Megan and Rob are attractive to look at and genuinely beautiful people. They cruise around South Beach together in their tricked-out Mini Cooper that looks like a super hero vehicle. You might see them riding tandem on a Vespa scooter. They always inspire me to point and say, “Hey, there goes the Slacroduo!”. Certain people never fail to bring a smile to my face when I see them.
When he is not doing Parkour, yoga, rock climbing, or slaclining Rob is a fire inspector for the city of Miami Beach, very super hero like. Megan is a full time trainer and yoga teacher. Over the last few weeks I have had the pleasure of taking two Acroyoga™ workshops with them and they have also fueled one of my new favorite obsessions, Slacline. I will meet them today for 5pm yoga. After yoga class the Slacroduo is setting up the slacline in the park for sundown. Trying to keep up them is not easy and I might just loose a few pounds while learning all this fun stuff. Megan offers Boot camp training and teaches the rock-climbing wall at the Canyon Ranch in Miami Beach. Megan used to compete in female bodybuilding so her body is inspiring. She is not one of these women body builders that look like a man either. She is hot.
If you live in the Miami area or are planning a vacation in Miami you have to step into action with Megan and Rob. Check out their youtube page: . Also check out their facebook page: .
Well its time for me to go. I have to catch up with the Slacroduo.
I see the light in You,
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