Therapeutic Flying Workshop with Yogi Joaquin
June 11, 2013
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AcroYoga™ circle[/caption]
Last Saturday I went to “Trio-Mind Body Spirit Studio” for a therapeutic flying workshop with yogi Joaquin De Teresa. My wife Dawn loves practicing Acroyoga™ with me, especially therapeutics. Yogi Joaquin and his partner Rahel are very likable people and they created a warm safe environment for couples to have fun together. The workshop was not just for couples, and in fact there were more single people there than couples. Acroyoga™ is a perfect way to break down social and physical barriers. Adults are made to feel like children as they play with the poses that require partner involvement and lots of physical contact. Trio Yoga, located in the Wynwood district of Miami, hosts acroyoga classes every week. This particular workshop last Saturday focused on acroyoga basics and Thai massage.
Acroyoga™ can be intimidating at times because when you watch people do it the moves seem like amazing, gravity defying stunts. Yogi Joaquin teaches in such a calm patient way that takes all the mystery out of the poses. Before you know it you are up in the air doing things you thought were impossible or only for circus people. Dawn is so much smaller than me so I usually take the base position, lying on my back. Dawn usually takes the flyer position, balancing in the air on my legs. Yogi Joaquin had us changing positions, so Dawn actually had me in the air as the flyer. This was fun and Dawn learned how to hold my weight on her little frame by stacking her bones and using less muscle strength.
After the Acroyoga™ “flying” segment of the workshop ended we learned some really beautiful Thai massage techniques. I love Thai massage, and it is best when given to me by some who loves me. Dawn and I learned how to take turns giving each other gentle massage from toes to head. Yogi Joaquin and Rahel are a super cool couple and their love for each other sends contagious vibrations into the group. The group was composed of 13 individuals including yogi Joaquin and Rahel. There were an equal number of men and women with Joaquin being the solo teacher. I love when the numbers work out perfect like this. Thai massage is a gift that everyone should learn. It is such a nice way to give and receive love to people.
By the time the workshop was finished everyone in the yoga studio was completely blissed out. We all had a bonding experience where we learned some fun and useful ways to share time. I have learned in life that it is shared experiences that matter most to me. When I look back on life it is not material possessions that stand out, but the good times spent with family and friends. So often these days people zone out watching TV or watching sports on Saturday afternoons. Do yourself a favor and check your facebook posts and local papers for healthy fun activities like this. Dawn and I plan on taking more Acroyoga™ classes at Trio-Mind Body Spirit Studio and definitely following yogi Joaquin De Teresa to where ever he is teaching. By this time next year we plan on being very impressive “flyers” and “bases” with a solid Acroyoga™ repertoire. Thai massage is an experience we will continue to share with each other for life.
You can locate yogi Joaquin De Teresa through his website: or email him at: or call him at: (305) 896-8928. Trio-Mind Body Spirit Studio is located at:
2328 NE 2 Ave Miami, Florida 33137, you can call them at: (786) 597-1755, or for a full schedule of classes and workshops goto:
I see the light in you,
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