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To be thankful

November 26, 2013


In honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to dedicate this post to being grateful. Everyday, I like to take a walk at a park nearby me to get some fresh air and just be outside for a little bit. It amazes me each time I am there how happy and re-energized I feel by the time I leave. No matter what is going on throughout my day, I start walking and it all melts away. I am reminded every time I am there at how beautiful the nature that surrounds me can be. Even throughout the seasonal changes, there can be something beautiful about bare branches.

Money can buy you lots of things but it can’t buy you the peace we receive from the simple things that the Earth provides us. Like the beautiful trees at the park I walk beneath each day. We must be good to our Earth, and by choosing organic clothing we are choosing to protect her. Apply the promo code belowtheseam to receive 10% off your next YOGiiZA purchase. Happy Thanksgiving, xo Hannah

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