Words from the General
August 07, 2012

Namaste, I see myself in you. We stand together at a nexus of change where the world may accelerate toward destruction or begin to move in the direction of renewal, blooming with positive awareness. Yoga is a vehicle through which awareness spreads discriminating between that which is born of Love and that which is born of Fear. At YOGiiZA we do not choose the path of least resistance. We have chosen a way that we believe is true, just, healing, and born of Love. Today, when shopping, we might take for granted the option of choosing between Organic products or those made with harmful chemicals. At YOGiiZA we have learned, through many testing experiences, that it is much more difficult to make a product from Organic materials. We have encountered many stumbling blocks that have challenged even my strong resolve, but what has not defeated us has truly made us stronger. There are real forces of power working hard to promote petroleum based farming methods and products while also doing their best to stamp out resistance. Yoga is also a powerful force that brings people into an aware state of being then calls on them to unite.
I have just returned from visiting our manufacturing partners and I am happy to finalize our Organic product development. Very soon we will bring a truly yoga conscious clothing brand to the market. We are doing our part to bring about necessary change by offering an Organic alternative to polyester yoga clothing. It is up to you to make choices when shopping which reflect the direction you want the World to move towards. Choose with yoga awareness, Choose Natural, Choose Organic, Choose YOGiiZA.
Thank you for your support ,
Yogi Mark Oliver
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