Yoga with Julia Albertson @ Miami Life Center
April 30, 2013
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Yogi julia [/caption]The other day my wife Dawn and I went to Miami Life Center in South beach and had the pleasure of taking a yoga class with yogi Julia Brenn Albertson. The room was full but not packed too tight. I had room to spread my wings while diving into Uttanasana, forward bend. We started the class with sun salutations A and then B. Julia reminded us many times to keep a clear, steady, and loud breath. I listened to this advice and quickly began to sweat and sweat and then I sweat some more. I really needed a good sweat because I had been sick the week before. We went through a series of Warrior poses, including Warrior III to standing split. Ardha Chandrasana, triangle pose and revolve triangle gave us a variety of twists. I am sure my kidneys needed the twists after those rum and cokes I had the other night. Did I mention I sweat a lot? Julia teaches with a good sense of humor and is sensitive to the hard work the students put into the practice, but this does not mean she takes it easy on you. She really gave us a tremendous work out. Julia also gave us a loving reminder to dedicate our practice to a loved one who may need a lift.
She spoke a little bit about yoga off the mat but she was not at all preachy. I felt released and content after the class. I could tell by the smiles and blissful expressions on the faces of the other students that I was not the only one who enjoyed the class. One of the things I really like about Julia and Miami Life Center is that Julia and the students tend to hang around the studio for a while after class and chat. So many yoga places these days the teachers whisk in and out and there is no sense of community. At Miami Life Center there is a kitchen, showers, and a comfortable lounge where yogis are encouraged to hang out and discuss yoga or just small talk. Miami Life Center also has a great boutique where they sell Organic Cotton Yoga clothes by YOGiiZA :). I will definitely be back to take another yoga class with yogi Julia Albertson and hang out at Miami Life Center in South Beach.
I see the Light in You
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