Yogi Farrah Yaspe
August 16, 2013
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Farrah Love[/caption]
Sometimes you just know you are in the right place at the right time. Last Friday I was in a state of total relaxation walking onto the street from my weekly acupuncture treatment by Dr. Silvia Salinas when I saw a new friend standing outside a building on 41
st in Miami Beach. Zach was waiting there with his friend Mitchel, who is now another new friend of mine, and I was stoked to see them. I asked them what they were waiting for and they responded, “Farrah Yaspe’s yoga class”. He said this with a hint of, “duh of course dummy”. I was like, “ No Way! Farah is teaching yoga, here, now!” BAM! Nest thing I know I am sitting cross-legged in YOGA THAT studio chanting “
lokah samasta sukino bhavantu”. We chanted the mantra three times. Yogi Farrah was explaining the meaning of the mantra “May all beings everywhere be happy and free” as I opened my eyes I thought, “yes I am definitely in the right place”.
When I think of Yogi Farrah Yaspe the first words that come to mind are Joy and Love. If you know Farrah, you love Farrah. She is a gift to all who bask in her light, and all of us in Miami and around the world who know her understand that I am not flattering her by saying this. Not only is Farrah a beautiful person but also she is a very skilled Yoga teacher. I really enjoy her style. She saves the philosophy and flowery language for before and after asana practice. During practice it is all Asana and Pranayama. Her words are to the point and focused on teaching proper bone alignment, joint rotation, and breath technique. Keep my mind form wondering away form the present moment. That is what I look for in a good yoga teacher. Thank you Farrah for guiding me into a state of awareness. Please stay in Miami and keep teaching us yoga. When we look back on life it is shared experiences that we remember the most. “Lokah Samasta Sukino Bhavantu”, “May all beings everywhere be happy and Free”.
Yogi Farrah Yaspe teaches yoga at YOGA THAT,
465 W 41st Street, Miami Beach, Florida 33140 , and also at Trio Mind Body Studio,
2328 NE 2 Ave, Miami, Florida 33137. For more information on yogi Farrah Yaspe goto:
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