Yogi Joaquin De Teresa
November 02, 2011
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Yogi Joaquin De Teresa is a true YOGiiZA. He lives and teaches Yoga in South Beach, Miami, Florida. Joaquin has been teaching for a short time, but he has already secured some really good gigs including some large beachfront classes with over 100 people in attendance. I just came from his community class at the Green Monkey in South Beach, and it was very well attended. Joaquin has a certain kind of Yogi charisma, a soothing voice, a gentle touch, and genuine intention that I can truly feel. He is the kind of guy that is very easy to like. His yoga classes are dynamic and suited for all levels of practitioners. The Yoga poses he chooses are not too complex, but if you have experience in asana and pranayama technique you understand that the simplest of yoga poses are all you need. This is not to say that all the yoga postures in his class are simple, there were some very fun and challenging asana, like Ardha Chandrasana and Pindasana.
Yogi Joaquin comes from a training in "Power Yoga" via Paul Tolliuszis teacher training at the Green Monkey. His classes are not a cookie cutter version of this training. He slows down the pace a bit which allows you to experience a full breath and get deeper in the yoga poses, with just enough power yoga influence to keep the class lively and fun. You sweat, and the more you focus on the deep breath the more you sweat. I feel great this morning after Joaquin's class. I feel balanced and not over worked. I feel like I was guided in a way that kept me calm and not over reaching in the poses with just enough timing between postures to find a release. Thank you Joaquin. Joaquin is teaching a lot all over Miami so it is easy to find a time that matches your schedule when you can practice with him. You can look up Joaquin De Teresa on FaceBook or follow the link to his FaceBook account, https://www.facebook.com/joaquindts or go to "Boom Yoga" on FaceBook also.
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