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Yogi Michelle Berlin

August 05, 2013

Yogi Michelle Berlin

  The beautiful thing about yoga is that it doesn’t just change people for the better, but it continues to transform us into the best expression of ourselves.   Many of us who practice yoga can relate to this.  We witness this in self, family, and in those who walk the path beside us.  Personally I have grown in ways that have brought great depth and richness to my character.  I see other people in the yoga community humbly take steps to always keep growing and blooming into better people that I admire.  One such person is yogi Michelle Berlin, yoga teacher and co-owner of Trio-Mind Body Spirit Studio in Wynwood Miami. Yogi Michelle berlin1Michelle Berlin is a force for positive development in both community and self-improvement.  I have had the pleasure of knowing Yogi Michelle for a few years.  When I met her I thought she was amazing.  I admired the way she is able to instantly light up the room when she walks in.  She teaches yoga with a bright smile that makes you have fun while challenging your body to the max.  Michelle Berlin is a yoga teacher that everyone likes and as a yoga teacher myself I try to be more like her.  Her students rave about her classes and her yoga retreats to Bali and Costa Rica are always transformational. I heard that Michelle’s teaching had changed since the last time I had taken her class so I dropped into Trio-Mind Body Spirit Studio to see for myself.  I did not think it possible that her class could get any better, but I was wrong.  I was blown away.  Her yoga class was blissful.  She was still the same radiant teacher with the same contagious smile but her style of teaching had changed.  Before her class was very high energy, which I love, and a real hard-core workout.  This time the energy was still present but more focused.  Yogi Michelle was guiding us through a real mature yoga experience.  She was helping us to find a strong connectedness to our bodies and minds, bringing them into a unified synchronicity.  Bone alignment, breath restraint, and a keen awareness of the transformation of energy though the field of the body are the hallmarks of great yoga teaching.  It is one thing to feel like you had a great work out.  It is a different thing to experience being whole and complete.  Thank you Michelle for leading me into a state of Bliss, Wahe Guru. If you have never taken a yoga class with Yogi Michelle Berlin I highly recommend getting over to Trio-Mind Body Spirit Studio soon.  The yoga studio is located at 2328 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33137.  You can call them (786) 597-1755.  I hope to see you over there soon.  I am a regular at Trio-Mind Body Spirit Studio.  Come over and let the light of yogi Michelle Berlin brighten your life J Namaste…

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