YOGiiZA a Responsible Business Plan
February 01, 2012

YOGiiZA is Organic clothing for Organic people™. We live in a new global economy with limited resources and a growing demand for those resources. Many of the products bought in the United States are manufactured in different countries where it is difficult to insure the good Ecological and Social practices. I believe in Karma and the world is a reflection of the self. If I treat people poorly and abuse the Earth this is a reflection of who I am. If I choose to treat people fairly and use sustainable, organic practices when cultivating the Earth this is also a reflection of myself. As CEO of YOGiiZA i have taken steps to guarantee that when people buy YOGiiZA products they can be confident that wearing our logo makes a statement to the world that they support Organic Sustainable farming, Fair trade labor, Community Cooperative organizations, Charity for those who need it the most, and recycling. Wearing the YOGiiZA logo says to the world that you practice yoga and, you are an aware and conscientious person.
YOGiiZA has established relationships with our close neighbors in Nicaragua. Nicaragua is closer to our headquarters in Miami Beach then Texas and almost 3x closer to us than California. They grow a limited amount of Organic cotton in Texas and California but this type of growing is not sustainable. Cotton requires a lot of water for its growth and California and Texas are water starved regions so the crops require intense irrigation. This is not good for the EArth, and is not a sustainable practice into the near future. In Nicaragua we have formed farming Cooperatives where they grow the cotton using Zero irrigation. We plant before the raining season and harvest after the rains. This is farming with the natural rhythms of the Earth. The close proximity of Nicaragua to Miami Beach reduces our carbon footprint considerably less than if we were producing in the United States. Most garments today are being produced in very far away places like China. Also since we cultivate most of the cotton by hand and without chemical fertilizers we use significantly less petroleum.
Many of our sewing partners do not work for anyone but themselves. They are cooperative sewing companies where the workers are also the owners. This is the same for the Farmers. They are owned by the people who work the fields, also as a cooperative. The larger factories that we have chosen to work with have all passed our Quality standards for their labor force. They have labor unions, medical benefits, and other social programs, and clean safe working environments. Nicaragua is a Free Trade partner with the United States and the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. We are happy to be woking to improve the lives of so many people.
The nearness of Nicaragua allows me to personally visit the farms and the manufacturing partners often and rapidly. We actually help to work in the fields during planting and harvest, getting my hands dirty along side our farming partners. We have made it possible for others in the United States to volunteer their time in Nicaragua helping grow the Organic sustainable cooperative movement. On average every cooperative farmer increases the annual income of their families by more than 30%. We will be hosting Yoga/Surfing retreats in Nicaragua where our guest can see first hand the benefits their purchase of YOGiiZA organic clothing bring to real people while cultivating Mother Earth with sustainable practices.
When you wear YOGiiZA Organic cotton yoga clothing you will not only feel breathable, chemical free, amazing softness and comfort but you will feel proud of your conscious choice. You can put the 100% toxic chemical polyester brand in the recycle bin and show to the world that you are an eco-warrior by wearing the YOGiiZA logo. We are making Organic clothing for Organic people™ that is totally Yogi Fresh. You will have options of: 3 different Organic yoga Bras, 3 different styles of Organic yoga female underwear, Organic yoga skinny leggings, Organic yoga fold-over shorts, Organic yoga racerback t-shirts, Organic yoga t-shirts, Organic yoga male pants, Organic yoga male underwear, Organic yoga male t-shirts, Organic yoga hats. We will continue to add to the line as we grow with your support.
I believe that when you awaken through yoga practice you step onto the battle field of the Kings and Queens. We must join the fight for Mother Earth. By wearing the YOGiiZA logo on your heart or sleeve you are telling the world which side you stand on. Understand that when an aware person sees a logo on your clothing they understand the values of the company you are representing. There is a difference between hanging a cork board in the back of your store stating that you care about the Earth while every garment in your store is made from toxic petroleum chemicals and actually spending the money and time to do the right thing. Who's side are you on, the side of the petroleum industry or the side of Mother Earth?
Mark Thomas Oliver,
CEO YOGiiZA “Organic clothing for Organic people”™
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