3306 gods = 1 God = the Self. Brhadaranyka Upanishad
December 20, 2011
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[caption id="attachment_429" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="The Self Awakened"]

Today is 20011/12/20. I see the light in you, Namaste. The Blind lead the Blind and they all fall into the ditch. Scripture is very often miss-interpreted by the masses because the masses do not read them for themselves. Instead the text are read by a few and them interpreted by the few to the masses. It is a gross misinterpretation that the Hindu text foster a belief in poly-theism. I try to read a wide range of ancient text from all beliefs on a regular basis and i find one commonality in all of them. This is to study the "Self", "Know thy Self", and take responsibility for yourself. I have found no more honest and detailed examination of the Self than in the Hindu text. I am going to quote from the Brhadaranyka Upanishad a passage that puts to rest the idea that Hinduism is poly-theistic. This is interesting text, please read it through.
Brhadaranyaka Upanishad III, ix:
"How many gods are there, Yajnavalkya? He answered by reciting this invocatory formula:
'As many as are mentioned in the invocatory formula in the hymn to All-gods- 3306 gods'.
'Yes (Om)', said he, 'but how many gods are there really, Yajnavalkya?'
"YEs', he said. 'but how many gods are there really, Yajnavalkya?'
'Yes', he said, 'but how many gods are there really, Yajnavalkya?'
'Yes', he said, 'but haw may gods are there really, Yajnavalkya?'
'One and a half'
'Yes', he said, 'but how many gods are there really, Yajnavalkya?'
'Yes', he said, 'but which are those three hundred and three and those three thousand and three?'
Yaynavalkya said: 'These are only their attributes of majesty. There are only thirty-three gods.'
'Which are those Thirty-three?'
The 8 Vasus, the 11 Rudras, the 12 Adityas. That makes 31. Indra and Prajapati makes 33'
'Which are the Vasus?'
'Fire, earth, wind, atmosphere, sun, sky, moon and stars. These are the Vasus. For these all wealth is entrusted. That is why they are called Vasus.'
'Which are the Rudras?'
'The ten breaths in man (purusa), and the eleventh is the self. When they depart this mortal body, they make men weep; and because they make them weep, they are called Rudras.'
'Which are the Adityas?'
'The twelve months of the year are the Adityas, for for they carry off everything, though going on themselves; and because they carry off everything, though going on themselves, they are called Adityas.'
'Which is Indra? Which is Prajapati?'
'Indra is thunder, Prajapati the sacrifice.'
'Which is thunder?'
'The thunderbolt.'
'Which is sacrifice?'
'Which are the six?'
'Fire, earth, wind, atmosphere, sun and sky. These are the six. These six are everything.'
'Which are the three gods?'
'These three worlds, for all the gods are in them.'
'Which are the two gods?'
'Food and the breath of life.'
'Which is the one and a half?'
'The purifying wind.'
'It has been asked: "Since the purifying wind appears to be one, how can it be called one and a half?" '
'Because everything grows to maturity in it, it is called one and a half.'
'Which is the one God?'
'The breath of life, and that is Brahman, the beyond. So have we been taught.'
[Sakalya said:] 'If a man where to know that "person" whose dwelling is in the earth, whose sphere is fire, whose light is the mind, and who is the goal of every self, then would he be one who really knows, Yajnavalkya?'
[Yajnavalkya said:] 'I do know that "person", the goal of every self of whom you speak. It is the "person" in the body. But tell me Sakalya, what is his deity?'
'The Immortal', said he.
[verses 11-18 which give a long list of names have been omitted]
[Sakalya said:] 'On what are you and yourself based?'
[Yajnavalkya said:] 'On the in-breath'
'On what is the in-breath based?'
"On the out-breath'
'On what is the out-breath based?'
'On the "diffused" breath.'
'On what is the "diffused' breath based?'
'On the "upper" breath.'
'On what is the "upper" breath based?'
'On the concentrated breath.'
'This Self - [what can one say of it but] "No, no!" It is impalpable, for it cannot be grasped; indestrctable, for it cannot be destroyed; free from attachment, for it is not attached [to anything], not bound. It does not quaver nor can it be hurt.' "
*** There is more to this chapter but you can always go and pick up a copy of the Upanishads and read it for yourself. If you do not have the patience or the mind to read for yourself you will always fall prey to wolves in sheep's clothing. One of the Niyamas listed in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is "Svadhyaya" This refers to Self-Study, or study of the higher self. We come to know the higher self through many ways not the least is reading scripture or ancient wisdom.
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Subrata Dutta
October 05, 2018
It give great pleasure to know our ancient Vedic thoughts and enlighten ourselves, moreover when we go through all literature of other religious belief we are able to make the depth of our earlier seer, though it is he who works our way to be religious what ever the path may.